Tmj Treatment

Tmj Treatmentin Bergen County, NJ


TMJ is a term often used as an abbreviation for temporomandibular joint disorder. The disorder is also sometimes referred to as TMD. The joint that connects your jaw to your skull is called the temporomandibular joint and is what allows for the hinging motion of your jaw. This unique hinging joint enables us to talk, eat, laugh, and yawn. Basic functions can be significantly affected if your temporomandibular joint is in pain or out of place. It can become painful and bothersome to talk, eat, and interact with others.

When the jaw is affected by TMJ, it can cause the joint to lock, click, and feel disconnected. Frequent headaches, jaw pain, and difficulty eating can all be signs that you are experiencing TMJ. If this is the case, now is the time to find a great dentist and get treated. At Marlen Elite Dental Wellness, you can discuss your symptoms with a TMJ specialist, and we can develop a comprehensive treatment plan. During a consultation, we will ask about your complete medical history and perform or order tests that can help us confirm whether TMJ is, in fact, the cause of your headaches, jaw pain, or other related concerns. If we determine that TMJ is the issue, we can start right away to help ease your pain and discomfort. To schedule a consultation with a TMJ specialist in Bergen County, New Jerseyschedule a consultation with us at Marlen Elite Dental Wellness by calling (201) 546-8512.



At Marlen Elite Dental Wellness in Bergen County, we use a neuromuscular approach to diagnose and treat TMJ. The jaw, head, and neck are a complex system with a concentrated number of muscles, nerves, and joints that all need to work together to function properly. TMJ is caused when the temporomandibular joint is not working as it should in tandem with your neuromuscular system.

To address TMJ, neuromuscular dentistry reviews the entire system, jaw, neck, and head, to properly diagnose the dysfunction and relieve symptoms. Along with initial treatment, any dentistry that is performed takes this into consideration to ensure that the temporomandibular joint is in harmony with the surrounding muscles, nerves, and bones.


Determining the specific cause of an individual case of TMJ can be challenging. Chronic conditions, including arthritis or stress, can contribute. Injuries or simply genetics can also be the cause. Bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching, is also considered a factor. Strained muscles or overuse in the jaw, face, and neck due to work or lifestyle can also be a possible cause.

While versatile and strong, the temporomandibular joint is also complex and can be delicate in some areas. The unique dual hinge and sliding motions provided by the temporomandibular joint are kept smooth by a small, shock-absorbing disk. If this disk wears down or gets out of alignment, this can cause painful TMJ disorders. In addition, some connective tissue diseases can cause TMJ to flare up.


TMJ symptoms can often be temporary and managed with at-home care. However, it is essential to see a doctor in some cases, especially if your condition is so bad that you can’t even completely open or close your jaw.

In addition, you should schedule an appointment with a doctor or dentist if your jaw pain:

  • Is constant and severe
  • Causes problems with eating or speaking
  • Lasts for more than a week, even with home treatment
  • Is accompanied by headache, neck pain, shoulder pain, dizziness, or earache
  • Interferes with sleep
  • Seems to be getting worse rather than better


The doctor will discuss your medical history and symptoms at your initial evaluation. Be sure to mention any recent or past injuries, surgeries, or serious illness involving the jaw, head, or neck. Your practitioner will also likely go over any ongoing stress and ask if you struggle with teeth clenching or grinding (known as bruxism). They will also conduct a physical exam to check your head and neck for any tender spots and to get an idea of the full range of your jaw.

Once they’ve met with you, they may confirm a suspected diagnosis with x-rays, MRI, or CT scan. If they note any needed dental work, including missing or damaged teeth, crowns, or bridges, they will give you a plan to correct those issues since they can all contribute to TMJ symptoms.


During your consultation, the cost involved with any recommended treatment will also be discussed. The final total for TMJ treatment will vary greatly depending on what procedures may be needed and the extent of any dental damage.

Some patients may need heavy dental work to correct worn-down teeth or bite alignment, while others might only need a night guard.


The most common and obvious symptom of TMJ is jaw pain. Other frequent symptoms include headaches and jaw clicking. TMJ or TMD can manifest in different ways, so sharing as many details as possible with your practitioner about what you have been experiencing is important.

Because it happens gradually over time, many patients may not realize they have worn down teeth or other dental issues caused by TMJ. Grinding or clenching teeth can become second nature and imperceptible, but it causes your teeth to wear down slowly. This can cause your teeth to be more prone to cavities and decay. Patients diagnosed with TMJ often report clicking, popping, or grating sounds when they open and close their jaws. The disorder can make it hard to open your mouth wide, and the strain can sometimes even cause facial swelling.

Possible TMJ symptoms include:

  • Jaw pain and tenderness
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Clicking or popping when opening or closing the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing
  • Pain or soreness in the face, neck, shoulders, or ear
  • Ringing in the ears

Be sure to report any of these symptoms to your doctor or dentist, as they can be a sign that you are experiencing TMJ. It’s essential to see a TMJ specialist right away since, left untreated, this disorder can cause more serious issues in the future.


Treating TMJ may not seem urgent since the symptoms usually get worse gradually. However, you should seek treatment when you are experiencing regular pain to avoid several serious problems, including:

TMJ can cause irreversible damage to your teeth, so it’s highly recommended to see a TMJ specialist if you are experiencing any of the common symptoms. They can help you confirm and create a comprehensive treatment plan.

Oftentimes, patients don’t realize that they have worn down teeth because it happens over time. However, when our patients have TMJ, they often grind their teeth. When you grind your teeth, you are slowly wearing down your teeth, night after night. In other words, your bite becomes less durable. Also, grinding your teeth makes you more susceptible to cavities and dental decay.

Many TMJ patients report clicking, popping or grating sounds coming from their jaws. TMJ can make it difficult to open your mouth wide, and in some cases produce facial swelling. Additional symptoms can include dizziness, earaches, ringing in the ears (known as tinnitus) and, in a few cases, numbness in your fingers or arms.


One of the first treatment methods we utilize at Marlen Elite in Bergen County when addressing TMJ is a cutting-edge dental medicine method called TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation). This treatment uses electrical currents in the jaw to relax muscles and retrain the nerves in and around your jaw. It can relieve unnecessary muscle clenching and form new habits. Electric currents also stimulate the release of endorphins allowing for natural pain relief. TENS can be used either at home or in your dentist’s office.

After this has helped to relax your muscles, we will use EMG (electromyography) to determine the best-relaxed position for your jaw. EMG measures the electrical activity in your muscles to aid with treatment. For some patients, regular TENS treatments are enough to provide significant pain relief. If not, the next step is typically to recommend an oral appliance that is worn during sleep to keep your jaw in the optimal position. Fixing misalignment can help reduce muscle strain and damage to your teeth. At Marlen Elite Dental Wellness in Bergen County, NJ, we approach TMJ treatment with a “big picture” mentality.

TMJ can involve your muscles, nerves, and other soft tissues and can become a chronic, long-term condition. In many cases, it builds over many years and worsens with age. We can help you overcome the pain and daily distress of living with TMJ. Our practice has developed techniques that are effective and reliable in providing relief. We will create a customized action plan that will include each step of the process, no matter how simple or complex your particular case may be. Our goal is to improve your health and your quality of life even when you haven’t yet been able to find a solution.

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If you’re dealing with jaw pain, headaches, or other symptoms affecting your ability to function fully, contact us at Marlen Elite Dental Wellness to discuss how we can provide a diagnosis and much-needed relief for your TMJ.

The Marlen Elite Dental Wellness team in Bergen County, NJ, wants to offer you high-quality care “from consultation through transformation,” no matter your situation. Marlen Elite Dental Wellness is led by Dr. Marlen Martirossian, who earned his DDS at New York University and is an active member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. The Consumer Research Council of America has regularly recognized Dr. Martirossian as one of the country’s top dentists. Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Martirossian by calling us at (201) 546-8512.

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