Gloria came in to seek our help with failing teeth and not being able to eat properly and smile confidently. Decision was made to remove failing teeth and proceed with implants and cosmetic dentures. Treatment was completed painlessly within 5 months and Gloria is extremely happy and states that she can finally go the diner with her friends and not be embarrassed to eat and socialize.
Jeanne wanted to upgrade her old dentures and chose our patented Face Lift Denture approach to enhance her smile and make herself look younger. A beautiful, more youthful smile is the result.
Implant supported Snap on dentures made patient look absolutely gorgeous
Patient came in complaining of not be able to show her teeth when she smiled. She felt embarrassed to smile because it looked like she had no teeth. Patient was very concerned about changes in her facial structure and said that she wanted to look and feel young again. After thorough examination, Dr. Marlen and the patient agreed to improve the patient’s smile through a New You Denture; a concept that combines smile improvement with improved facial esthetics that can make people look 10-15 years younger. Once the New You Denture was completed the patient could not believe her eyes. “I can finally smile and not be embarrassed to pose for a picture.” But most of all the patient was thrilled of how the New You Denture improved her facial appearance and made her look younger.
J. came to office looking to improve her smile. J. told us that she doesn’t show her teeth when she smiles and she is embarrassed to take pictures. Dr. Marlen spoke to J., giving her a couple of options. She decided to improve her smile with New You Cosmetic Dentures and lower porcelain restorations to get rid of her lower removable denture. Work was performed and J. went on a cruise. Upon return J. walked into the office with large portrait pictures from the cruise trip. “You made me feel like a Diva,” were her words. J. was very happy with the results and told us that she can’t stop taking pictures of her smile and that we gave her her confidence back.
Patient came to office stating that although she had a set of top teeth it looked like she had no top teeth at all when she smiled. The patient revealed to us that she had several dentures made for her but she was never happy with the way her smile looked. Comprehensive examination was completed and a treatment plan was discussed. Unfortunately, due to severe bone loss implant restorations were not an option for her and we decided to go ahead with New You Cosmetic Dentures to restore her smile and facial features. With the help of in-office Bite technology we were able to establish proper esthetic and functional parameters for her new teeth. The results were incredible. The patient’s new smile totally transformed her face and made her look 10 years younger. Patient was extremely happy and told us that she is finally not shy to smile.
Marty came to us seeking help with the condition of his mouth. Marty said he hadn’t seen a dentist in a very long time and was embarrassed to smile. A comprehensive exam was performed and we sat down with the patient to go over his options. Unfortunately, his remaining teeth were not salvageable and had to come out. Patient was given different options on restoring his mouth and Marty picked a NewYou removable denture for his upper teeth and Snap on, implant supported lower teeth. After going through phases of treatment, Marty was finally able to smile with confidence and can eat normally.
Patient had many problems related to her upper denture and dental bridge. The upper dentures were discolored, loose, and painful. She also had pain in her lower jaw related to the dental bridge. The supporting teeth for the bridge were decayed and infected. Other natural teeth were also decayed. She had sores under her tongue, bleeding on the floor of her mouth, and bone loss around her remaining teeth.
Patient was unhappy with her old dentures. She could barely wear them, since the upper denture was so loose. She didn’t want to show her teeth when she smiled because the denture was also unattractive. Dental implants were placed in the lower arch. She had new dentures made. This not only resolved the functional problems with her dentures, it resulted in a younger appearance of her face and teeth, giving her an instant face lift.
Patient was unhappy with the state of her dentures and natural teeth. Her upper denture was loose and didn’t function well. She had few teeth retained in the lower jaw, and these weren’t functional for chewing. The teeth were decayed and affected by gum disease, which had caused significant bone loss around them. The appearance of her smile was affected by the state of the lower teeth as well as the color and appearance of her upper denture. Extracted lower teeth and placed dental implants in the lower arch. New implant dentures were made for the lower jaw. Upper denture was re-done to improve the fit and appearance. Now the patient is very happy with the appearance of her bright new smile. And she loves that she can eat and chew effectively.
Patient had a huge fear of dentist! She came to the office concerned of her current dentures being loose, which she only had done about four years ago. She had lost all her teeth about five years ago. She knew she wasn’t going to return to the dentist due to the traumatic experience she had. A thorough dental exam was performed and a personalized treatment plan was presented consisting of New You Dentures. She is now happy with the way it looks and the way it fits. Also has gained more confidence in a dentist!
Patient came to the office complaining of clenching, grinding, and the food getting caught between teeth. Also, she had and old denture and a lot of gray, black or silver old restorations. She also mentioned that she noticed that all her lower teeth seemed to be falling towards the front and that the front teeth were “twisted”. She wished for straighter teeth but was concerned of what the end results might look like. After a thorough dental exam, a personalized treatment plan was presented consisting of extractions of infected teeth, some porcelain restorations and a new denture. After being so concerned of how everything will look, she was delighted with the end results. Her smile makes us smile!
The patient came to our office complaining that his teeth are loose, has pain and he is unable to eat. He had not seen a dentist in a long time. After performing a Comprehensive examination, a personalized treatment plan was created. Unfortunately the patient’s teeth were not salvageable and had to be removed. Teeth were extracted and bone preservation procedures were performed. While the patient was healing he was wearing healing dentures for some time. New full dentures were made were facial esthetics and smile design where taken into consideration in order to give him the best looking smile and the ability to function without pain.
Patient came in looking for alternatives to her old denture. Patient was not happy with esthetics of her smile and said that her denture is holding her back from smiling. Patient also had some implants on the bottom jaw with removable denture. Spoke to Anahit about a couple of options and decided to make a NewYou cosmetic denture for her top and screw retained implant supported denture for the bottom. NewYou Cosmetic denture was made that gave patient better facial support, beautiful smile and better functioning bite. New smile made Anahit look 10-15 years younger through face lift kind bite rebuilding approach. Anahit can’t stop smiling now.
Take the first and most important step toward your best smile. The sooner you begin the process of designing your ideal smile with our team, the sooner you will achieve results that you will love for years into the future. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for elite dental results at Marlen Elite Dental Wellness in New Jersey. We are conveniently located in River Edge, New Jersey, and serve patients throughout the state seeking the very best cosmetic dentistry New Jersey has to offer.
130 Kinderkamack Rd, Suite 306, River Edge, New Jersey 07661
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